Brno Go from Brno Tišnov Beer Trail

Tišnov Beer Trail

From Tišnov to Lomnice through local breweries and to the northern countryside

Wandering around the Tišnov surroundings, picnicking in the grass with local delicacies and a pleasant twelve-kilometre walk through the picturesque countryside north of Brno. The Tišnov Beer Trail is not just about local breweries, but mainly about pleasant wandering with friends. A real surprise awaits at the end of the trail: the town of Lomnice, which is an unknown architectural and urbanistic pearl of South Moravia. So, let's go!


Brief information

Time requirement
5-7 hrs
TIC Tišnov
Train station Tišnov
Train station Tišnov

By train from the warm south to the fabulous north

A trip always starts with the journey itself, and here it's undoubtedly true. You can get on the S3 line in Židlochovice or Modřice and watch the landscape behind the window gradually change as the train slowly descends from the warm and welcoming south to the much more mysterious, wilder and, above all, hillier landscape of our local north.

You'll be in Tišnov quickly, and you'll definitely want to get out of the local station just as quickly, which, while important in terms of transport, is certainly not scenic. The historical centre of the town is worth a stop, but we won't rush there, and we will make our first stop in the premises of the hotel Červený mlýn, which is located just behind the bridge over the Svratka river.

The fame of the former water mill, one of the oldest buildings in the city, has spread again thanks to the Grádo microbrewery. Stopping in their beer garden and refreshing yourself (not necessarily with beer) before the 12km route is a great idea.

Walk through the corners of Tišnov

But don't drag out the stop at the brewery too long, because you are at the very beginning of the trip and everything is still ahead of you. Cross the bridge and head back towards the centre of Tišnov until your steps intersect with the nature trail Cesta hrdelího práva (The Path of the Capital Law) at the Obžerství (Gluttony) stop. Think of yourself! You can walk the whole trail in an hour or two. However, it will take you to the other side than the one we are heading to now, so we recommend you leave it for next time and combine it with a climb to the Klucanina lookout tower.

Our route continues to the newly renovated Park under the church. A leafy and spring-scented linden avenue lines the gently ascending path to a pleasant café with a spacious terrace overlooking the greenery and the adjacent children playground.

We will continue to St. Wenceslas Church and the Parish Garden, both of which, thanks to their elevated position, offer fine views of the wider town. If you are more interested in the views than the next gastro stop, go around the church on the right and stop at the Ztraceno café on Bezručova street. The quality and taste of the local cakes will once again lure you to the main theme of this trip.

Selection of local beer brands in the information centre

Don't miss a stop at the excellent information centre on the Komenský square, where you'll find plenty of leaflets, tips for trips, and, most importantly, helpful staff. What you might not expect is a large fridge full of bottled beer and cans from all the local breweries. Make sure to stock up, you'll appreciate it later on the trail.

It will be good to get a bite to eat at your beer picnic too, like goodies from the nearby Moravian Pies shop FÍ-HA. Then the signpost at the top corner of the náměstí Míru square will direct you to the blue sign leading out of town. You'll weave through the streets of Tišnov and then round the legendary Květnice hill from the east. If you feel like spicing up your trip a bit, you can climb Květnice either by following the marked green nature trail from the Pod Malou skálou crossroads or by adventurously following the steep paths of local experts.

Following the blue trail to Lomnice and Šerkovice

Our route leads from the crossroads Pod Malou skálou further along the blue trail without any major ascents or descents. You will pass through the rather uninteresting Lomnička. Behind it there is a private pond with banks that offer many pleasant spots perfect for a picnic in the grass. This is the time to pull out a cold beer or cakes from Tišnov, spread a blanket on the lawn and for a moment forget about the world around you, stare at the sky and just enjoy the magic of the moment.

The next village on the route is much more interesting Šerkovice. You will pass a tourist shelter, a beautiful plane tree by the Besének stream with a valley that is a picturesque and typical example of the Czech countryside, and stop at the small chapel of St. Anne. Just watch out for cyclists, because we are on the popular and frequented bike route no. 1.

Highlight at the end: Lomnice

The aforementioned Besének valley will take you along the blue trail to the stylish and tasteful Zámecký mlýn restaurant located just outside Lomnice. Here you can not only have a great meal and relax at one of the tables set in the orchard, but also stay overnight (or enjoy a sauna in winter).

We hope that you will not be broken by the final climb to the centre of Lomnice, the promised jewel at the end. At Palacký square you will admire the monumental and richly sculpted plague column, the Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, the beautifully restored parish and town hall and the Panský dům pub.

Make a special visit to the Jewish square with its beautiful Synagogue, which served as a warehouse during the Second World War, then fell into disrepair for a long time and only took on its present form in 1997, since when it has also served as the cultural centre of the village.

We started with good beer and we will end with good beer. This time in the Genius Noci pub, where you can also arrange a tour of the brewery on the other side of the square in the Pod Starou farou side street.

The route ends at the local bus station (you'd better study the departure times of buses to Tišnov in advance). With one train transfer in Tišnov you can comfortably get back to Brno.


Take the green and yellow trail from Lomnice to the Veselský chlum lookout tower, explore the picturesque landscape of the Svratka Uplands, visit Doubravník or Pernštejn.

Route map
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