Brno Go from Brno Tišnov region Svratka River

Svratka River

Inspiration of poets

The water in the Svratka River is dark - its dark colour is described by Nezval in his famous poem "On the banks of the Svratka River". (They used to call it Švarcava from the German word for black - schwarz). The river is inhabited by trout and glaylings. It springs in the Žďárské vrchy mountain range, gradually deepens downstream, and in the Tišnov region it flows through deep valleys surrounded by steep hills, forming rapids. This is particularly romantic.

Among the most beautiful natural scenery that inspired artists is the stretch between Boračí, Podoli (the birthplace of the novelist Josef Uhr), Prudká (famous Brno painter Bohumír Matal lived in the local mill), Černvír and Doubravník. In Černvír, a covered wooden bridge from 1718 crosses the Svratka River. It is the oldest bridge of this type in Moravia. 

Boaters also love the Svratka River - especially the section between Vír II reservoir and Doubravník. The river flows through a picturesque valley and rocks beneath Doubravník.

49.4007294N, 16.3644314E