Brno Go from Brno Tišnov region Lomnice near Tišnov

Lomnice near Tišnov

An urbanistic gem

This picturesque town with its unique large square is an extraordinary urbanistic gem of South Moravia. Even though it is only a small town, you will see more architectural beauties here than in a lot of big cities.

They restored the famous castle nursery with an orangery and pottery (once there was even a fig orchard, a rose garden, and a pineapple house). In addition to the castle on the promontory (currently under reconstruction), there is a large Baroque church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, a Baroque town hall, a manor inn, a rectory, and a brewery. A rarity in the Czech Republic is probably the only statue of the beer king Gambrinus in the niche of the local family brewery playfully named Genius Noci (Genius of the Night). (Definitely stop by for their honey-flavored Honeymoon.)

Lomnice, once a significant textile center thanks to local Jewish entrepreneurs, unfortunately saw none of them return after the war. Today, only the Jewish cemetery and synagogue remain. Exhibitions and other cultural events are often held there.

49.4046192N, 16.4135911E