Brno Go from Brno Tišnov region Veselský chlum

Veselský chlum

Natural monument with beautiful views

Today it is wonderful viewpoint at nearly 600m above sea level, but once it was a farm. The low stone walls you see here were left here by the farmers when they were picking gneiss stones from the poor fields. Today the straightened, unreinforced walls form a picturesque mosaic with fields, orchards, pastures and flowery glades. If you look hard enough, you will discover protected and regionally unique plant species. That is why Veselský chlum above Veselí u Lomnice was declared a natural monument in 1990.

A yellow tourist trail passes along the edge of this landscape-valuable (and therefore protected) area, leading from Štěpánovice through the upper edge of Veselí u Lomnice to Ochoz u Tišnova. The top of the hill is a popular tourist destination - You have a beautiful view on all sides, yet you don't have to worry about it being crowded.

49.4077553N, 16.3855122E