Brno Go from Brno Bike trip from Tišnov to Pernštejn

Bike trip from Tišnov to Pernštejn

A trip through a landscape where you can't stop admiring - the nature and architectural gems

Today we're taking you on a one-day bike trip that's worth three others. Head through the picturesque landscape of the Tišnov region to one of the most beautiful castles in the Czech Republic. Pernštejn Castle also has newly renovated gardens and it's a blast! Along the way, you'll see a unique bridge and get refreshments in the Convent Café or the Porta Coeli Brewery. Well, you'll remember this trip for a long time...

Brief information

Route length
22.2 km
Time requirement
1:40 hrs

To the Heaven's Gate and beyond

Going from Brno? Hop on the S3 or R9 train at the main station and get off in Tišnov. And get on your bikes here. Part of the route runs along passable forest roads. From the station, head north around the railway line and continue along the bike path around the Svratka river. After less than 2 kilometres, turn left over the bridge to the Porta Coeli convent. 

The Cistercian convent presents all the main building styles. The foundation is Romanesque-Gothic and it is distilled splendour. The Porta Coeli complex is also one of the most important architectural monuments in the country. It was founded in the 13th century by Queen Constance as a Cistercian women's convent. She is buried here with her son Ottokar. Even today a community of Cistercian nuns lives here. 

The richly decorated Gothic portal in the west facade will take your breath away. Perhaps the most valuable part of the convent is the chapter house and the ancient stone reading desk. The atmosphere is so engulfing that you may think you see a nun in a simple robe reading a precious manuscript. 

For a tour or a cup of caffè latte?

At every full hour, there is a guided tour through the Gothic core of the convent (but you need to be a group of at least three people) - The church, the chapter house and the beautiful cloister with its Garden of Eden. Separately accessible are the permanent exhibitions and seasonal exhibitions in the Museum of the Podhoracko Region in the building of the former provostry. 

Spiritual contemplation can be rounded off with a pleasantly secular activity - A visit to the Convent Café or the Convent Brewery!

After the tour, return across the river to the bike path and continue to Borač. (In Borač, look at the iron truss bridge.) And through the historic Doubravník you will reach Nedvědice and Pernštejn Castle. It is made of blue Nedvědice marble and was built by the Lords of Pernštejn themselves as their ancestral tomb. We'll tell you more about the marble of Nedvědice a little further down.) 

For treasure to the information centre

The local information centre in Nedvědice exhibits the local silver treasure. There are two fairy tales. A man went into the forest and tripped over a jug full of silver coins. He was an honest man to the bone, so he didn't keep the treasure and handed it over. And you can see it today in the Nedvědice information centre. There is also a small exhibition of tools used in the mining and processing of local marble (Pernštejn Castle and the aforementioned church in Doubravník were built from it). The second fairy tale for children is called Beads of the Chambermaid Eliška, you can download the playing card here.   

And now it's just a short walk to Pernštejn. The castle was featured in more than 50 films, so the climb you have ahead of you is well worth it. 

And how to get back?

By train from Nedvědice station (line S31) to Tišnov and from there to Brno.

Gastro tips for the Pernštejn trip

Attention, you are in the Tišnov region. In a location rich in breweries of all sizes! The Kvasar brewery in Sentice is the place to go for honey beer. Tišnov beer wins one award after another, and Grádo also boasts a beer spa. The Květnice brewery is not afraid to experiment with lesser-known beer styles, while Doubravník brews an honest rye lager. Lomnice's Genius Noci brewery fans oatmeal lager and other specialities in its private beer-lovers club (open on weekends). Are you excited about Tišnov's beer heaven? Download a playing card from us and go collect stamps on the Tišnov Beer Trail.

In Nedvědice, next to the information centre, don't miss out on the famous Milena pastry shop, where gourmets have been coming for apple strudel for generations. In the car park under Pernštejn, you can not only pet the local mascot - The raspberry pig - but also sit on the beer throne. Bistro Malinová louka prides itself on offering local products and a holiday atmosphere.

Do you like to bring gifts back from your trips? We recommend Malinová louka or the Tourist Information Centre in Tišnov - It offers bottled beers from all over the region. 

Route map
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