Brno Go from Brno Kounice and Ivančice region Střibský mill

Stříbský mill

Swimming in the river like old times

There is a mill near Ivančice. It is fabulously picturesque. So is the place and the atmosphere around it. Stop by and don't take out your mobile phone even to take pictures. Turn it off! Here, my friends, you will experience a real whimsical summer. The Jihlava River doesn't flow idly here, no. And the raft is also murmuring wildly. Still, everything flows in a peaceful, holiday-like way. The owners of the meadow by the river do everything they can to make you feel like swimming master Antonín Důra in Vančura's Whimsical Summer.

The beautiful 16th-century former mill building was falling into disrepair until an artist bought and renovated it. His poetic gallery is mostly closed to the public. But never mind. There's such a great swimming above and below the raft that you won't be bored. In the shallow riverbed, children enjoy water play on small islands. The so-called river baths will charm everyone, even non-swimmers. On the generous-sized meadow, the stylish Na parníku buffet serves cold drinks, ice cream and other treats. 

At the raft on Střípák (as the locals call the mill) you can complete the Swim in the river activity from our list of 15 adventures with children.

49.0927478N, 16.4047228E