Réna lookout tower
Alphonse Mucha's lookout tower in Ivančice
The lookout tower on Réna Hill measures only 4 metres in height, so don't expect a giant tower. It is actually one of the smallest lookout towers in the country. But don't despair, the view is definitely worth the hike! It was built in 1930 and dedicated to the famous native of Ivančice - the Art Nouveau painter Mucha.
The elegant functionalist lookout tower can be reached by following the red trail to Réna Park. The path is partly rocky, so forget about the bikes. Climb up on foot. If you have bikes with you, leave them at the natural amphitheatre below the lookout tower, you can reach it by following an asphalt road. And why is it called Réna? You may find a wooden statue of the goddess Réna at the top of the hill. Who was she? Once upon a time, the local forests belonged to a landowner who had two daughters. Eva and Réna. Eva founded the town of Ivančice, while Réna got the hill (yes, the Réna Hill) from her father. She had a fortress built on the top and settled there.