Brno Go from Brno Židlochovice region Monastery cellars

Monastery cellars in Rajhrad

The religious program of St. Benedict includes "ora et labora" - Pray and work. Work included clearing forests, blacksmithing, carpentry, and copying books. And also brewing beer and making wine!


Monk beer brewing and wine production

In the memorable year 1222, King Ottokar I of Bohemia and his wife Constance confirmed the tithe of the vineyard in Miroslav to the Benedictines of Rajhrad. This was the start of the bright future of monastic viticulture in Rajhrad. The establishment of vineyards followed in the following centuries. The monastery did not build its own wine cellar until around 1690. In the middle of the 14th century, the monks also started brewing beer in the monastery. 

Unfortunately, beer is no longer brewed in the Rajhradské klášterní winery (in Rajhrad you can find the Duck & Dog brewery in the Stará pošta street), but the ancient wine-making tradition is still carried on by the Rajhradské klášterní winery. The wines are produced and aged in the historic cellars. Check out the delicious Hibernal, Sylvaner and Pinot...

49.0889014N, 16.6032753E