HIking to the Benedictine Monastery and the Acacia Lookout Tower
A trip to the monastery to find literary treasures and then to the apricot region to the lookout tower
North of Brno there are beautiful forests while the south is often considered industrial. Ha! Come with us to the rich and fertile south. On our hiking trip we will take you to the sumptuous Rajhrad's Museum of Literature in Moravia, you will recharge your batteries among vineyards and apricot orchards, and climb the very nice acacia lookout tower Výhon. And to make it a feast for all the senses, you can taste local wines and apricot specialties at the Židlochovice information centre.
Brief information
To Rajhrad all the way to the Výhon lookout tower (15.8 km)
For a relaxing trip starting in Brno, take the S3 line from the main train station and get off in Popovice. Head into the centre of the village until you come across the sign "naučná stezka Rajhradsko" of the nature trail. It leads through an artificial wetland and pheasantry to the Benedictine monastery in Rajhrad.
Monastery, the mecca for literature
You can spend hours in the beautiful Baroque complex of the Rajhrad monastery designed by the renowned architect Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel and not get bored. The area with today's park landscaping is gradually awakening from a long purgatory when it was decimated by armies of all kinds. In the Middle Ages, monasteries used to be popular targets of war looting and Rajhrad enjoyed it to the limit. From the Mongol invasions to the army's stay under communism. That is why it is almost a miracle that ancient manuscripts, the precious foundation of the local library, have survived to this day. There are 65.000 volumes!
A profound experience not only for bookworms
Visit the Monastery Museum of Literature in Moravia! The historic library will make you feel so small... and the decoration... like in the Vatican. The original Romanesque and Gothic design was rewritten by the aforementioned Santini-Aichel in a magnificent Baroque reconstruction. Vaulted ceilings with frescoed ceilings, stucco decorations here and there, gold was not spared. Plus, oddities like a giant mechanical globe.
The memorial is an exposition of literature written in Moravia - From the earliest manuscripts from the end of the 9th century to modern giants like T. G. M. or Kundera... And you can also listen to Old Slavonic - The language essential for today's modern Czech language here.
In the museum you will find many unexpected treasures. Such as the correspondence of the painting magician Alphons Mucha, who comes from the Moravian town of Ivančice. The extensive correspondence stored here in Rajhrad proves that he did not forget his birthplace even in the times of his greatest fame and liked to visit.
Extra tip for your future travels
There is one more reason why the monastery in Rajhrad might be of great interest to you. Have you been toying with the idea of going on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela?Then you can join one of the branches in Rajhrad! You can get your pilgrim card stamped in the monastery.
But back to today's trip. After the cultural experience, you may be hungry. Go to the restaurant U Kašny (near the underpass under the railway line in Městečko). The surprising menu and high performance earned the owners inclusion in the prestigious Gourmet jižní Morava 2019 list.
And now, follow the red sign
From now until Židlochovice, follow the red tourist sign. It leads through Holasice and Vojkovice past the Ludmila pond in Holasice, where local frogs hold concerts. Ludmila is a great place for a picnic! And if you don't have a picnic blanket with you, feast at the wooden table with benches. The pond is in the valley of the Svratka river, shaped like a kidney. Thanks to the revitalisation, the wetland flora and fauna have been revived, and you can see rare specimen such as white water lilies, yellow irises or carnivorous bladderwort, smooth newts and European fire-bellied toads.
Finish in Židlochovice
Visit the information centre in Židlochovice - Don't be afraid of boring leaflets. They have a certified wine shop of local wines and also the Fenz's fertile Židlochovice apricot variety from the local apricot orchard. Take the green hiking trail up to the Výhon lookout tower.
The acacia tower combines concrete, metal and wood - Well, yes, acacia. It is perfectly suited for the construction of a tower, which must withstand all the vagaries of the weather in Winter and Summer. Acacia wood is very hard, considerably flexible and tough, and can withstand water and weather of all kinds. There are 76 steps to climb and the last part of the climb up the metal stairs is not for sissies. But you can do it!
From the lookout tower you can head back to Židlochovice railway station and take the train home. But we'll definitely tempt you to take a short 4 km extension towards some excellent wines!
Extension of the trip between the vineyards for wine (+ 4.4 km)
From Výhon, take the blue trail to Nosislav, where there is a fortified church and a fortress, and the village square is decorated with a 100-year-old wine press.(In September in Nosislav you can experience a pleasant wine event called Open Wine Cellars.) On the way back to Židlochovice along the red tourist trail, visit the family-run bio winery Vinařství Válka.
And how to get back?
By train from Židlochovice on line S3!
Where to satisfy hunger and thirst on the Rajhrad trip
If you are hungry, go to the U Kašny restaurant in Rajhrad (just off the underpass under the railway line in Městečko). The surprising offer and high performance have earned the owners inclusion in the prestigious Gourmet jižná Morava 2019 list.
In Židlochovice, the Za Komínem restaurant will satisfy the great hunger. It is easy to recognize - By the chimney, a short distance from the river. And since you are in the region of the famous literary figure Maryša, you might go to the Maryša restaurant.
Thirst is satisfied with wine in this region. In Rajhrad, we'll send you to the Rajhrad monastery winery Rajhradské klášterní with a clear conscience. Refreshment is waiting for you in Blučina at the Malé domácí vinařství winery. Wines from the iconic Výhon hill are offered by the wine shop of Mr. Št'astný in the florist shop on Měnínská street or by the winery of Mr. Hanuš.
Beer drinkers, you don't want to miss the opportunity to taste samples at Blučina's Xaver brewery. Wine drinkers can continue to the Židlochovice Infocentre with a wine shop selling local wines (and apricot gifts) or the Vinařství Válka bio winery in Nosislav.
Extra tip - Breakfast at the Výhon lookout tower
We just have to write about this romantic spot. The Židlochovice Tourist Information Centre shows the region with real passion. They come up with all sorts of goodies and in June they organise a breakfast at the lookout tower. Participants wait at the lookout tower for the sunrise, fresh pastries with apricot jam (of course, from apricots from local orchards) are served, and pidlikáči, as musicians are called in our region of Brno, play. Well, simply put: extremely romantic. Are you interested? Ask about the event directly at the Židlochovice Tourist Information Centre.