Bratčice lookout tower
Right on the roof of the water tower
Cinderella of the lookout towers, that's what the locals call her. You won't read about it on the internet, or even on the municipality's website, and there is no sign with an arrow pointing to it. Only a couple of bicycle racks will alert you of its existence. A brick water tower and a tourist lookout tower in one will show you the Pálava landscape and the White Carpathians. The lookout tower did not have a grand opening with champagne. The workers simply left one day, the building was approved and now you can look around the region. No crowds, no stress, all in the relaxed fashion of the Židlochovice region.
And when you leave here, stop in Bratčice at the Zámecký pivovar castle brewery for a pint, because there's no rush here. If you like specials, try the semi-dark, bottom-fermented Zámecká třináctka 13°.