Tišnov the Porta Coeli Convent

From Tišnov to the Porta Coeli Convent

A view of the Klucanina and Květnice peaks, a visit to one of the most important Czech architectural monuments -The Porta Coeli Convent and plenty of pleasant gastronomic experiences in pastry shops, cafés and a brewery. This is the richness of the seven-kilometre long hiking tour from Tišnov, and we can also mention the refreshing stop at the confluence of the Svratka and Loučka rivers. If this is still not enough for you, you can climb to the top of Květnice.

Brief information

Route length
7 km
Time requirement
4 hrs
TIC Tišnov
Train station Tišnov
Train station Tišnov

By train to Tišnov and then straight to the town hall

The most comfortable way to get to Tišnov is by line S3, which departs from Židlochovice. You can easily get on the train in Modřice or at the Brno main train station.

The station in Tišnov is an important, but not romantic, transport hub, so let's not linger there and head straight to the historic centre of the town, which offers many varied attractions.

Tišnov city centre: Square and ornate town hall

The vast náměstí Míru square has been the heart of Tišnov for hundreds of years. The oldest sources mention it as early as 1233 and archaeological findings suggest that people from the early and late Stone Age had their settlements here.

Today, unfortunately, due to the long industrial period, the square is a mixture of Art Nouveau, functionalist and ugly socialist buildings without a drop of sense of history and beauty. However, the city is preparing a big plan to revitalize the whole area and maybe in just a few years Tišnov will see big changes.

In any case, the ornate building of the Tišnov Town Hall is worthy of attention. The original one from the 16th century was replaced by a new building from 1905 in the style of late historicism. The sgraffiti on the façade represent scenes from the history of Tišnov, which were depicted by the famous representative of the so-called Moravian folklore style, Jano Köhler.

Through the city corners to Vokounova viewpoint

Under the town hall begins Cesta hrdelního práva (The Path of the Capital Law), which you will not walk through entirely on this trip, but at least you can stop at the first stop called Pýcha (Pride). From here, the streets will lead you past St. Wenceslas Church to the Parish Garden, perfect for contemplation or a short rest with a view of the renovated Park below the church.

Several parallel hiking trails will lead you out of the town to the Svratka river. From the discreetly hidden statue of St. John of Nepomuk, you will follow the blue hiking trail along a narrow path between the gardens right behind Tišnov. A short, but steep climb will lead you to Vokounova viewpoint with a tourist shelter, from where you can get a good view of the whole of Tišnov. On the left, the panorama is framed by the Květnice hill, on the right by the popular Klucanina hill with the lookout tower of the same name, where you can go next time.

Through the gates of heaven literally against the flow of time in Porta Coeli

From the viewpoint you will reach the small ski area Klínek, which is used for grass skiing in summer and in winter is only covered with snow if there is enough water - Will we experience it ever again? Then you will pass by the picturesque cemetery with the Holy Trinity Chapel to the náměstí 5. května square and then follow the yellow road straight to the Porta Coeli Convent. Before exploring the abby, however, do not forget to get a proper refreshment in the Kláštěrní kavárna café or the nearby ice cream parlour appreciated especially by little excursionists.

Afterwards, you will take the Gate of Heaven directly to the abbey grounds, where you will literally not know where to go next. The long avenue of old lime trees will take you back in time, the old Cistercian convent represents all the main historical building styles, which is why the Porta Coeli complex is one of the most important building monuments in the Czech Republic. Queen Constance founded it in the 13th century as a Cistercian convent for women and she is buried here with her son Ottokor.

Museum of the Podhorácko region is definitely worth a visit. Tours start at every full hour and you need at least a group of three people.

Don't miss visiting the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with its richly decorated Gothic portal in the western facade. Arguably the most valuable part of the convent is the Chapter House and its stone reading desk, which is oozing with history. But it can literally engulf the visitor with the entire interior of the convent, so make sure to set aside plenty of time for a tour. When you've had enough of those impressions, indulge in a bit of worldly pleasures and stop by the Pivovar Porta Coeli brewery.

Refreshment and a sweet end to the trip

Even though the biggest gem of your trip is now behind us, there are still many other nice places to visit. We will follow the green hiking trail to the Cukrárna Cherry pastry shop, where not only children like to stop, and then along the Loučka River to its confluence with the Svratkam river. A snack in a romantic place, especially on a hot summer afternoon, will be complemented by paddling in both streams.

Then you just cross the footbridge to the left bank of the Svratka and along the railway line leading to the edge of the Svratecká hornatina nature preserve you will return to the starting point, i.e. to the railway station in Tišnov. With the tracks by your side, it is impossible to get lost.

Does that seem not enough?

Before the train takes you back to Brno, you can stretch your route by climbing to the top of Květnice along the Lacinova nature trail. All you have to do is start from the confluence of the Loučka and Svratka rivers and follow the green hiking trail upstream of the Besének stream. The trail has a total of 13 stops dedicated not only to the exceptional natural wealth of Květnice, but also to the history and personalities associated with it.

Route map
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