Brno Go from Brno Slavkov and Bučovice region Executioner's Hill

Executioner's Hill

Unique nature trail

The nature trail to Popravčí vrch (Executioner's hill) leads from the centre of Křenovice. The execution hill itself has been used to administer justice for the entire Slavkov estate for centuries. And since the executed had to be buried at the place of execution, the hill is also one big historical cemetery. It was like this until Joseph II,  the enlightened monarch of the Enlightenment, issued the General Code of Crimes and Punishments (1787). This made some progress towards humanity. Although it retained pleasures such as beatings and brandings, punishment was no longer intended to be revengeful, but to serve the purpose of re-educating the offender.

The theme of the unusual nature trail from 2017, Šibeniční a popravčí vrch v Křenovicích (The Gallows and the Executioner's Hill in Křenovice) is precisely the period of the Middle Ages and the early modern period (between the 13th and 18th centuries) that takes pleasure in cruel execution practices. At the same time, however, the trail is dedicated to the memory of innocent victims, and there were undoubtedly quite a few among those executed. Just think of the medieval treatment of alleged witches... 

The visually stunning nature trail is also appreciated by cache hunters who can find caches here too.

49.1423353N, 16.8293336E