Brno Go from Brno Slavkov and Bučovice Cairn of Peace Memorial

Cairn of Peace Memorial

1st peace memorial in Europe

This memorial was the first one in Europe to honour the memory of all victims of a bloody conflict without distinction - whether they belonged to the winning or losing side. The Cairn Peace Memorial is thus a historically unique war memorial with a message of peace. It stands on the famous Slavkov battlefield as a memento of the wars and in honour of all the victims of the December 1805 Battle of Austerlitz. 

The idea to build the memorial came from the priest and teacher Alois Slovák and it was implemented by the prominent architect Josef Fanta. The slender building with an enlarged base is a dominant feature and natural centre of the Slavkov Battlefield conservation area. Every year, at the turn of November and December, an act of remembrance is held here to honour the fallen. In addition, on national holidays, important days and throughout July and August, the cairn is festively illuminated.

Visit not only the local café, but also the multimedia exhibition "The Battle of the Three Emperors of Austerlitz / Austerlitz 1805" - don't be afraid of a boring parade of dates, instead an extraordinary experience awaits you! You will understand how the borders of the states of the time changed and how the power relations of the whole of Europe changed after this conflict. Napoleon won a glorious victory, but he did not become the master of Europe for long. Waterloo was approaching...

49.1281578N, 16.7624658E