Brno Go from Brno Slavkov and Bučovice region Biketrip to the beauty of the Ždánice Forest

Bike trip to the beauty of Ždánice Forest

The picturesque landscape of the Slovácko region grabs you by the heart. The trip will take you to the Butterfly Paradise and to the parrots of three continents, you will breathe fresh air in the Ždánice Forest and maybe stop for snow tubes at Sym(f)onie pastry shop, the observatory in Ždánice or at the Vrbas Museum to see General Laudon. It will be a parade of adventures, so have a good night's sleep before you go!

Brief information

Route length
25 km
Time requirement
6 hrs

Enjoy nature today!

Take the 26-kilometre trip from Brno by train from the maintrain station in Brno to Slavkov on line S6. You can start your trip in Slavkov or shorten your journey and get off the train in Křižanovice. Here, follow the bike sign 5098. The guesthouse Na Zeleném statku in Rašovice will provide you with refreshments. From there, follow the 507 route past Jalový dvůr to the ridge of Ždánice Forest, here turn right along the 473 bike route called Těšanka. (By the way, this is an ancient trade route trodden by merchants, smugglers and partisans.)

Ždánice, a seemingly remote small village

Ždánice is a little bit remote - More precisely at the foot of Ždánice Forest in the picturesque Slovácko region. Stop right in Ždánice for an energy boost - At the Symonie pastry shop, where they serve, among others, the delicacies  Ždánice is famous for. Yes, we are talking about fluffy snow tubes and kremes!

Paradise for butterflies and people

And after the sweet paradise, enter the Butterfly Paradise right next to the municipal office. In early summer, up to 84 species of butterflies will accompany you along the way. (The best month to visit is June, when the local meadows are in bloom, a joy to behold.) You won't find a greater concentration of velvet wings in the Czech lands. Moreover, the nature trail leads through a unique biotope full of old fields and meadows. Romance, my friends! And the local oak trees... These stout giants have been growing here for centuries. 

In Ždánice, go to the observatory and planetarium. There's not as much light smog as around big cities, so the viewing conditions are favourable. Do you have children with you? You can choose your star adventure with our "15 tips for adventures" playing card.

Not all castles are the same

In the local Renaissance castle, there's no castellan, but the Vrbas Museum. Sounds boring? Ha! In the castle basement you'll find answers to tricky questions. Maybe not what frogs do in winter, but whether a water mill or a windmill spins faster. And what the famous General Laudon has to do with Ždánice. There are Napoleonic, numismatic, archaeological, ethnographic, entomological, natural history, petrographic, ceramic, handicraft and guild collections. Do you have a canine partner with you on your trip? Beware, this museum is dog-friendly and your furry friend can take the tour with you!

The most colourful zoo

After the unexpectedly packed Ždánice, ride down to Bošovice. Instead of colourful butterfly wings, you will find even more colourful bird wings. The only parrot zoo in Europe with beauties from 3 continents! And then take the train to Újezd u Brna and go home.

Route map
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Tour length: 26.2 km
