Bučín woods Nature trail Bučín

Through the Bučín woods to the 300-year-old beech tree

Round trip from Tetčice along the edge of the Bobrava Nature Park

Enjoy a whole day in nature. On the Patočkova hora hill you will smell the steppe and the nature trail will take you through the Bučín woods to its most beautiful corners - To the ancient beech tree and the valley of the Zlatý potok river.


Brief information

Route length
19 km
Time requirement
5-6 hrs
Train st. Tetčice
Train st. Tetčice

Over the stylish bridge in the pastures to Patočkova hora hill

At Brno main train station, take the S4 line to Tetčice. From the little station one might not even count as a railway station, you start on the newly built trail that connects Tetčice with Neslovice. It is popular not only among tourists but also among the locals who use it to avoid the main road on foot or by bike.

Along the way, you will certainly be attracted by the wooden benches offering seating with a view of the countryside and, above all, the stylish and at the same time very practical bridge in the middle of the extensive pastures. It was not built for nothing. It provides cattle free access to the meadows and avoids people having to jump over fences. If one can say it's great crossing a bridge in the middle of a grassy plain, it definitely applies here.

To the Patočkova hora hill for the views

On the hillside above Neslovice, a colourful mix of different herbs blooms and smells in early summer. The tender beauty starts its season in early spring, when you can admire the protected and beautifully coloured greater pasque flower. However, the Patočkova hora hill is also worth climbing at any other time of the year. Despite the fact that it appears to be rather flat, it offers a surprising view of the surrounding villages and meadows stretching as far as Tetčice. You won't find a better view of the surrounding countryside.

Take a break in Neslovice

You can get a sweet reward for the kilometres you have already covered in the municipal pastry shop. In addition, if you are interested in the topic of nature conservation, visit the birthplace of Heinrich Laus. This naturalist studied botany, zoology and mineralogy.

The centre of Neslovice is completed by the bell tower with the chapel of St. Gotthard and St. Florian in classical style from the early 19th century and the Baroque Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. If you have children with you, you can also stop at the Indian playground. The youngest members of the expedition will have a blast on the swings and climbing frames. There is also a rope park and a mini golf course.

After Neslovice, there is nothing to do but climb uphill. Fortunately, Bučín is not a mountain, so the climb is bearable and you will soon reach a resting area with seating. Then it is only a short walk to the Kopaniny crossroads, where the Bučín nature trail begins.

The Bučín nature trail will introduce you to the local history

The trail will be your silent guide through the most beautiful parts of the Bobrava Nature Park, which includes the Bučín woods district. Nine educational boards along the way will introduce you to the local history. You can read about the medieval trade route that led from Brno to Ivančice and about the remains of the inn burnt down during the Thirty Years' War.

To the memorial beech tree

Shortly after the well-known shelter At the Monkey, where you can shelter from the sun and rain, the path splits. You can, of course, continue along the trail, but our tip is to take the unmarked turn to the monumental beech tree, estimated to be 280-300 years old. This forest giant measures around 35m in height and is over 580 cm in circumference around the trunk - See how many of you it takes to hug it around?

When you get back to the marked path, continue along the nature trail along the meandering Zlatý potok river until you reach the last shelter and stop, Under the Rock. Nearby is the archaeologically unexplored Tetčice hillfort. Could there be a major discovery waiting for you?

The nature trail will eventually lead you to the valley floodplain of the Bobrava river. But you will not stay here for long. After the yellow trail you will have to climb over the hill again and return to Tetčice to the railway station where the whole trip started.

Back to Tetčice and on the train to Brno

Just after turning off the road you will come across Svatopluk's spring. The water is not drinkable most of the year, but the icy water from the well is perfect for refreshing in the summer heat. Continue along the yellow trail to the gamekeeper's lodge in Bučín. From here it is still a long way to the finish, but fortunately it will only be downhill. 

You deserve a good reward for the kilometres you have travelled. Make the wait for the connection more pleasant with a good meal and a properly chilled beer or lemonade from the U Crlíků or U Ševčíků restaurant.

You can also cycle the route

You can also take the same route by bike and combine the trip with other places to visit. At the point where the nature trail ends, where you cross the road, you can join the road to Střelice, where you will find the municipal museum. Or head to Radostice, where exotic beasts run around in a mini zoo.

Route map
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