Brno Go from Brno 15 adventures Go ice skating on a pond

Go ice skating on a pond

Ten minutes left, whistle blows, ten minutes right, whistle blows... and so on and so on. Don't you want to show the kids ice skating in a much cooler way? Head to the cool village pond.



Everybody knows the rink with fluorescent lights and regular snowmobile breaks, but... a pond is a pond! Around Brno, you will find several beautiful ones. We recommend the one in the village with the poetic name Hrušky (Pears). Pack a thermos of hot tea or hot chocolate and go. It will be fun! Plus, you'll be in the fresh air right under the sky. But there are limits - You need a good frost.

When is it safe to go ice skating on natural ice? The ice should be at least 20 centimetres thick. That's enough ice to support a big man or even a car. (Firefighters recommend ice at least 25 centimetres thick.) How do you know if the ice is thick enough? Drill a test borehole in several places in the pond to be sure. In addition, it should have been freezing for at least 5 days straight (at least -5°C). And of course, never drill around areas with visible cracks, with the defroster or inflow to the pond and around the sluice gates. 

The ideal time

Depending on the weather

What you will need

Each adventure trip has its own page in the Explorer's Journal. You'll find details for your trip in the journal - Some places require special equipment. There are also tasks linked to the adventure. 

A reward is guaranteed! There is a reward for everyone who sends us photos from at least 5 trips! Details HERE.

All 15 adventures


49.1287725N, 16.8366592E
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