Brno Go from Brno 15 adventures Become the lord or lady of the castle

Become the lord or lady of the castle

Who would enjoy castle tours where a rude guide hisses at children not to make any noise and not to touch the ropes, beyond which nobody's allowed... when there are castles where they welcome children and even lend them a cool costume for the tour!



Children are welcome at the famous Slavkov Castle, where Napoleon himself spent the night. They don't mind if you bring your own costumes and walk around the castle in style! And of course, they are also happy to lend you children's costumes for the tour on site. The castle always has a tour available just for little visitors to get them personally interested in history (like The Prince Code tour). 

Don't forget to play some golf in the castle's extensive gardens, and also the ancient gods game Stories Carved in Stone. And, as is our good habit, we have prepared several packed trips for you in this colourful location.

Ideal time

According to the opening hours of the castle.

What you will need

Each adventure trip has its own page in the Explorer's Journal. You'll find details for the trip in the journal - Some places require special equipment. There are also tasks linked to the experience. 

A reward is guaranteed! There is a reward for everyone who sends us photos from at least 5 trips! Details HERE.

All 15 adventures

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